The Reluctant Vegetarian

Due to a health concern, my husband, to whom I now fondly refer as The Reluctant Vegetarian (TRV), has had to make some dietary changes. That means his cook—who would be me—has had to implement those changes. Gone are red meat, including pork, fermented foods (think...

An Astonishing Revelation

An Astonishing (and Strange) Revelation It was a dark and rainy night—again. Christmas week in our area this past year was wet and gray. Despite the soggy skies and ground, we didn’t want to miss seeing a beautiful seasonal light display. So, our son, his family, and...

NOT a Hallmark Christmas

The Background Until a few years ago, I categorized watching Hallmark movies as somewhere between pathetic and incomprehensible. Then, for some unknown reason, I started watching them. Even more unbelievably, I began enjoying them and have the socks to prove it. Since...

Car Problems and Funny Noises

Car Problems Create Other Car Problems I have car problems. It’s making funny noises. If you own a car, you’ve undoubtedly heard them. They might be scraping, squealing, thumping, banging or any other audible harbinger of doom. But you also know that ignoring them...

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