Brenda Erb Roberts
Brenda Erb Roberts is a follower of Christ and a graduate of the University of Waterloo and EPBC/Master’s College and Seminary, who delights in encouraging followers of Christ and building their faith. Her book, Invisible: God’s Loving Pursuit of His Unseen Daughters, is available at various online retailers. Click the link below for more details and purchase information.
Brenda and her husband live near Georgian Bay in Ontario, Canada. They have two married children and six adorable grandchildren (in her humble opinion). Flowers give her joy anytime and in any season. Get to know her better at
Invisible. They Weren't. You're Not.
"You will laugh. You will cry...This book belongs in your hands."
—Margaret Gibb, Founder and Executive Director of Women Together
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My Blogs
Watch for a new inspirational post on the first of each month and a lighter side on the fifteenth. Occasionally, you might find a bonus post. Happy reading!
An Astonishing Revelation
An eight-year-old made an astonishing revelation to his elders as we drove past a graveyard. Who knew?
A Lake or a Puddle?
It’s a new year filled with potential adventures and unknown challenges! As we forge ahead into the great unknown, I’d like to share an insight with you that a question from our young granddaughter prompted.
NOT a Hallmark Christmas
It was NOT a Hallmark Christmas. All the elements were in place for a beautiful season until disaster visited.
Hope for Surviving the Season of “Peace and Joy”
What’s wrong with this picture? Are you wondering how to survive the season of “Peace and Joy”? Do you need hope? Join me as I revisit the Christmas story and gain insight and perspective from that miraculous night so long ago.
Car Problems and Funny Noises
I have car problems. It’s making funny noises. If you own a car, you’ve undoubtedly heard them. They might be scraping, squealing, thumping, banging or any other audible harbinger of doom. But you also know that ignoring them will be at your peril. So, cause aside,...
Hidden Treasure and Finding Gold
Have you ever dreamed of discovering hidden treasure and finding gold? Every child has probably fantasized about uncovering or stumbling upon a long-lost trove filled with gold and jewels. As adults, most of us lay aside our dreams of unearthing a chest buried in our...
Typos, Autocorrect and Crazy Text Messages
Sparse words and pictographs try, but typos, autocorrect, and crazy text messages have sometimes made communication a funny game.
An Unexpected Lesson from Little Red
This story was previously published on my Facebook pages. It's a bonus post this month!It was an unannounced visit. Yesterday, Little Red, our term of endearment for the sometimes annoying but usually entertaining red squirrel who lives in our yard, joined me as I sat...
Thankfulness Viewed Through a Different Lens
It’s October, and with it comes Thanksgiving Day—in Canada. Our American friends aren’t officially thankful until next month! As I pondered writing about Thanksgiving, I decided to look at thankfulness through a different lens. This statement prompted that thought,...
It Happened in the Dead of Night (Version 2)
It wasn’t a dark and stormy night; it was just dark. And I slammed into an immovable object in the dead of night. Had an intruder erected a brick wall while I was sleeping, and if so, why? No, it was a middle-of-the-night, mid-bathroom collision. I was to-ing, and my...
The Lingering Place
Have you been in the space between not knowing and knowing or where hope stalls in the land of not yet—The Lingering Place?
I Didn’t Go to Jail!
It began innocently. At least I didn’t go to jail or spend the rest of my vacation in a regulation-issue jumpsuit.
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I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever;
with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known
through all generations.
I will declare that your love stands firm forever . . .