What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

by | Sep 5, 2023 | Inspirational Blog

What's Wrong With This Picture?

The Plan

What could possibly go wrong with her brilliant idea—build a nest in a cozy spot with triple benefits?

  • She could view the world from the comfort of home, 
  • keep an eye on the kids and any potential threats, 
  • and come and go at will. 

So, she flew back and forth for days, finding twigs of the perfect thickness and length to meet her construction needs. Carefully, the busy bird laced them together to form her structure. She worked tirelessly to create the home of her dreams. Sounds idyllic, right?

What could possibly go wrong?


The Issue

The problem is that she should have consulted a real estate agent because we all know the importance of location, location, location. And something did go wrong—terribly wrong.

Sadly, after moving in, the flaw in her plan became apparent to Bird Momma. I opened the door while she was at home and thus ended her short-lived residency in her wreath dwelling.

The Result

Fortunately, she learned the error of her ways before she produced any heirs, and she flew off to find a better option for her next home. I wasn’t sad because I was tired of playing Pick-Up Sticks on the indoor mat whenever someone came or went. However, it would have been helpful if she had taken her furniture.

What Didn't Go Wrong

It’s easy to poke fun at this birdbrain’s ill-advised decision, but aren’t there times when we have been short-sighted and failed to consider the results of a decision? It’s a very human thing to do, so it’s not limited to birds. What didn’t go wrong is that her actions reminded me that there is someone we can turn to when we mess up. The Bible tells us that our Heavenly Father loves that little creature who built the misplaced nest and loves us too. Matthew 10:29-33 says, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (ESV).

Be encouraged. God loves birdbrains of all species!



  1. Judy Rickert Norman

    Great short and moral


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