Thankfulness Viewed Through a Different Lens

by | Oct 1, 2024 | Inspirational Blog

Have You Considered Thankfulness from a Different Perspective?

It’s October, and with it comes Thanksgiving Day—in Canada. Our American friends aren’t officially thankful until next month!

As I pondered writing about Thanksgiving, I decided to look at thankfulness through a different lens. This statement prompted that thought, and I’ve been mulling it over for days, “God has already lived our tomorrows.”

What a concept! What my tomorrows hold is a mystery, but I don’t have to stress about what I might face. Since the Bible teaches that God is all-knowing (Psalm 139:1–16, 1 John 3:20) and lives outside our concept of time (2 Peter 3:8), his world contains no surprises. Therefore, I can trust him with what lies ahead and live in thankfulness that he has gone before. My future is shrouded—from issues facing my family or me to the outcome of current wars, global unrest, and political instability. But I can move forward with thankfulness because God has already lived our tomorrows.

Isaiah 46:9b–10a says, “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning.” That statement encompasses everything and gives me cause for thanksgiving. God knows all that has happened, that is happening, and that will happen. He’s got it covered. No surprises wait in the wings for him, so I can trust him and not worry.

Although I enjoy adventure now and again, anyone who knows me well knows I thrive on order. For some people, predictability is the enemy of enjoying the randomness and spontaneity of life. Not me. My ideal life would unfold according to plan, which wouldn’t leave much room for surprises. You might have noticed that real life doesn’t happen that way. So have I.

I remember hearing of someone whose husband surprised her with a vacation. He told her to pack and be ready to leave within a few hours but didn’t tell her where they were going beyond the type of clothing she needed. My first, second and third thoughts were, How awful! However, since God lives in a realm where he knows the past, present, and future, with no surprises lurking in the shadows, I can pack my bag for the trip of life. I might not know where it will take me, but I have the best travelling companion anyone could hope for. And that is worth focusing on this Thanksgiving, regardless of the circumstances I might encounter.

Every year, before the famished creatures around our table devour their turkey, the responses to our pop quiz—while worthy—have been similar to the previous year. Primary among them, and I hope is always so, is our gratitude for Jesus’ death on the cross so we can have eternal life. Family and friends are on that list, as are many more beautiful things. In addition, this year, I hope our family views thankfulness through a different lens and reflects on the blessing of living securely in the care of the God who has already lived our tomorrows

May you enjoy gathering and sharing this Thanksgiving, and maybe you’ll find something new to add to your gratitude list when you view thankfulness through a different lens.

“The Lord is my strength and my shield;  in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;
my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.”

Psalm 28:7 (ESV)

Until next time,

Brenda Erb Roberts

If you’d like more food for thought, here is the link to last month’s post, “The Lingering Place”:

For a smile at my expense, here is the link to my last Lighter Side post:


  1. Judy Norman

    Very well said!



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