Snow, Frigid Temperatures—and Flower Buds?

by | Feb 1, 2025 | Inspirational Blog

Our magnolia tree caught my attention as I ventured outside into less-than-hospitable conditions. There is cold, and then there is this type of cold where the frigid air makes your nostrils stick as you breathe. The magnolia speaks to me of the faithfulness and glory of God in every season. How can that be in the dead of winter? Flower buds are on the branches—yes, in the middle of winter. The entire tree is loaded with these promises of a spectacular display that will burst into view in the spring.

Magnolias set their buds in the fall for the following spring and lie dormant on the branches all winter. During this chilly season, those little bundles of life speak to me of God’s provision as He works in the background. He has a system in place that prepares for the flower show in the spring. It doesn’t happen at the last minute—it takes time. The hardy flower buds endure the storms, winds, and subzero temperatures before their moment of glory arrives. Eventually, they display the magnificence hidden during the dark months.

As we travel through the seasons of life, some are more challenging than others, and there are times when we feel like it’s winter. God may seem far away, or we wonder if He hears our prayers or has gone on vacation. At other times, our lives are in a holding pattern. All the exciting things we hoped might happen haven’t materialized, at least not yet. Or, we can hit the January Blahs or February Blues in our spiritual walk. We trudge along, continuing our relationship with God, but life seems gray, like the dead of winter.

Enter the message of the magnolia. Don’t discount what God is doing in the winter because spring is coming.

God is still God even when we aren’t aware of His presence or see the evidence of the changes we desire. What He is doing sometimes takes time. Much like the magnolia’s flower buds that form in the fall, there is a reason for the time-lapse. We often don’t understand why there is a delay, but He does. If we allow Him the freedom to work in His time and in His way, something spectacular might burst into bloom at the right time.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Isaiah 43:19

But what about the times when all doesn’t go as hoped or planned?

In May 2024, we had a warm spell, and the flower buds broke dormancy. Then, disaster struck when a late frost damaged the swelling buds. Initially, I was disappointed by the resulting meagre show, but again, that tree reminded me of God’s glory.

We didn’t have the anticipated fanfare, but each flower that survived was gorgeous. It was a mini flower show, but it was still beautiful. When we set our hearts on a desired outcome, we can become disappointed and fail to appreciate what God has given us.

Allow me to repeat the message of the magnolia: Don’t discount what God is doing in the winter because spring is coming. Trust that He is still working and controls the outcome even when we don’t see any obvious evidence. Then rest, knowing it won’t always be February on the calendar or in your soul. One day, like the flower buds, you’ll see He hasn’t been idle but quietly working until the right season to reveal His glory.

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.”

Psalm 28:7

Until next time,

Brenda Erb Roberts

For  more food for thought, check out last month’s inspirational post, “A Lake or a Puddle?”

If you want a chuckle today, read about an astonishing revelation from our “Well Actually” child.


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