Hidden Treasure and Finding Gold

by | Nov 1, 2024 | Inspirational Blog

Is There Hidden Treasure Inside?

Have you ever dreamed of discovering hidden treasure and finding gold? Every child has probably fantasized about uncovering or stumbling upon a long-lost trove filled with gold and jewels. As adults, most of us lay aside our dreams of unearthing a chest buried in our backyards or on the beach.

But this week, a scripture reminded me of hidden treasure we can find. Isaiah 45:3 (NLT) says, And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness—secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name.” That is breathtaking!

As I reflected on this idea of hidden treasure in darkness, a song came to mind—“I See Gold” by The Good Lovelies. The lyrics don’t point us to God as our help, but the idea of seeing gold is worth pondering. Together, those two concepts turned my thoughts to searching for gold nuggets in life’s dark places or despite them.     

Can you find the gold—the sparkling threads God weaves through your life? Or the nuggets He reveals at the right time? If we don’t look for those flashes of glitter in the ordinary or the discouraging and challenging days, we won’t see them. The gold of laughing with friends while playing silly games, regardless of the circumstances we face. The gold of deepening a friendship while supporting someone through difficult times. Or the gold of a friend walking with us on a rough journey. And yes, the gold that we’ve mined through the profound hardships of life.

Do we flounder when life gets tough and wonder where God is? Knowing He has hidden secret riches if we look for them is reassuring. He’s created a treasure hunt for us to participate in—or not. Do you remember playing Hide-and-Seek in the dark as a kid? God has designed a grown-up version. It might not be as much fun as when we were young, but the reward for engaging in it is fantastic.

My heart has been encouraged as our lead pastor has shared the hidden treasures he and his wife have discovered. While travelling a challenging health-related path over the last month, they have chosen to see gold in dark times. I thank them for living and sharing their faith in real-time. We can get so involved in life’s challenges and responsibilities that we miss the delight of seeing those shimmering threads.

Have you ever considered going on a treasure hunt for gold in the Bible when life turns an unanticipated corner? When we spend time in God’s word, it’s surprising how often He directs us to the stories or nuggets of truth we need. I am amazed by how frequently God has led me to scriptures I had forgotten or not remembered reading. Matthew 6:8b (NLT) says, Your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!” He wants us to ask, but He is ready to guide us to the gold when we do.

The “Lord God of Israel” who has hidden those secret riches knows us by name. We’re not unseen and unknown entities that walk the earth until we eventually disappear from time. Nor does He leave us to struggle in the darkness alone. If this God has hidden treasures—secret riches—for us to find, we can be sure they’re not the equivalent of a McDonald’s Happy Meal surprise!

I think our Heavenly Father wears a smile and delights in seeing his children searching for hidden treasure and finding gold. Will you acquire this intangible wealth and have a bounty to share as you journey through life? I hope I do.

“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”

Psalm 25:4–5 (NIV)

Until next time,

Brenda Erb Roberts

If want to read my previous Inspirational post “Thankfulness Viewed Through a Different Lens,” click this link:


If you want a smile today, here is the link to my last Lighter Side post, “Typos, Autocorrect, and Crazy Text Messages”:



  1. Judy Norman

    That was beautiful and so true..we just need to look for the good…thank you…we are waiting for a new great-granddaughter…our grandson’s wife has been induced due too blood pressure etc but the cervix hadn’t softened…it has been 4 days but the gold nugget will be a beautiful little girl…say a prayer please!

    • Brenda Erb Roberts

      Thank you, Judy. I prayed for a safe delivery for this child, that mom would recover quickly, and that the baby would thrive. The gold will be worth the struggle!


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