The Lingering Place

The Lingering Place What Is It? Have you been there? In the space between not knowing and knowing, or where hope is stalled in the land of not yet? A waiting place where we long for God to reveal himself, change something or make it happen. Or answer a question that...

Not Budging! No Way. No How.

The Little Wren’s Not Budging Surprisingly, she’s still here. Day after day, earlier in the spring, a little wren stuffed twigs, fluff, and other tree bits into the base of the hanging planter on my deck. Despite humans coming and going and the precarious position of...

Imperfect But Dearly Loved

The Imperfect Black Hairy Beast His name was Rocky. Ten years ago, our son and his wife adopted this (generally) adorable black hairy beast, a rescue. Rocky died this week, leaving a hole in his family’s hearts and ours. He was a challenge in his pre-elderly years,...

What If?

Have you ever wondered, “What if?” I know I have. There’s nothing like a doctor saying she feels a lump in a place that shouldn’t be lumpy to send your mind scurrying down dark paths that each disappear into the abyss of “What if?”. The wee hours of the morning can be...

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