About Brenda Erb Roberts

My Story

Who in her right mind would decide at this point in her life that writing a book was a good idea? That would be me. And God. He had a lot to do with it. I had always enjoyed writing and finding humour in situations that were not necessarily humorous. However, I never dreamed that someday the urge to write would overcome the desire to enjoy the slower pace of retirement. But that is precisely what happened, and here I am.

Who I am

I am a follower of Christ, wife, mother, and grandmother. Faith, family, and friends form the bedrock of my life, and our grandchildren add the sparkle. I regularly squish into tight places playing sardines or tear the house apart, searching for a hidden button with them. But most of all, I cherish sharing my faith in Jesus with my grandkids.

My Background

Story-telling is not new to me—I honed my gift by teaching children at church for many years. And, if you ask our children, by making up tall tales, especially about statues of historic figures while on family vacations. Yes, their view of history was slightly skewed when they were young. Now I delight in using contemporary language and humour to reimagine stories from the Bible, making their lessons fresh for today’s readers. My English literature degree and Bible College training assist me in looking deeply into the scriptures and exploring their truths.

Things You Might Not Know About Me:

  1. I want to live my life in a way that honours Jesus and impacts my world for him.
  2. I love words.
  3. I love reading books, the feel of books, the smell of books, and probably only need to live another 276 years to read all the books I own.
  4. GPSs were created for people like me—just ask my husband.
  5. I enjoy entertaining, baking, sewing, gardening, photography, and travel (when I don’t need to navigate). 
  6. I have sung on stage three times at Massey Hall in Toronto—don’t get too excited—it was with the student body choir at my Bible College graduation and the two previous graduations.
  7. Brené Brown’s book “Daring Greatly” has had a huge influence on my life.
  8. Chocolate and garlic are essential food groups in the Roberts household.

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Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

1 Corinthians 13:12b

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