A Lake or a Puddle?
It’s a new year filled with undiscovered adventures and potential challenges. As we forge ahead into the great unknown, I’d like to share an insight with you that a question from our young granddaughter prompted. When we encounter a challenge in the coming months, whether we view it as a lake or a puddle might depend on our perspective.
When you have kids, water and ice have the power of attraction equal to an electromagnet on iron. We have a drainage ditch at the bottom of our driveway that our children splashed in when they were young. Now, their children experience the same joy. Before the puddles freeze solidly, the kids delight in seeing who can stand on the thin layer of ice without breaking through, creating bridges from brush, or pole vaulting across it. With these adventures come the thrill of challenge, daring, and the potential for wet feet or bottoms. Such are the timeless activities of childhood that entice them every year and create memories for all of us to cherish. Only yesterday, one child experienced a valuable life lesson in testing ice thickness before walking on it!
One day, our granddaughter asked, “Grandma, can we play in the lake when we come to your house?” The lake. After relaying her question to my husband, we both chuckled about a child’s perspective—a lake or a puddle. But isn’t that what adults often do when we face the difficulties of life? Sometimes, we see lakes when there are only puddles. If we viewed them through the lens of having a loving Heavenly Father who is there to help us, many of our lakes would be puddles and more easily navigated. He is there to assist us, but like parents and grandparents, He sometimes lets us struggle to develop skills and strength. We may even get wet, but He won’t let us drown.
However, what about the times when there is a lake we must navigate no matter what lens we choose to view it through? What then? The story of Jesus walking on the water came to mind as I considered this question. You can read the account in Matthew 14:22–33.
The disciples were in a boat on a lake, struggling against a strong wind. They saw someone walking across the water, thought it was a ghost and were terrified. When they cried out, Jesus responded by identifying Himself and telling them not to be afraid. Peter’s response is intriguing, “Lord, if it’s you…tell me to come to you on the water.” And so Jesus did, and Peter did. The brave disciple walked on the water toward Jesus—until his attention diverted from Jesus to the raging wind. As a result, the water no longer supported him, and he began sinking and shouting for help. Jesus didn’t wait until Peter made the acquaintance of a few fish before He rescued the terrified man. He immediately reached out and caught him but followed this action with a reprimand: “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Sometimes, what we face loses the power to overwhelm us when we view it differently, as a puddle rather than a lake. Other times, we face a lake, and that is when we need to keep our eyes on the One walking there with us. As we begin a new year, let’s keep our eyes on Jesus, not the raging wind—faith and trust are our strength.
May Jesus guide you through 2025 as you enjoy unanticipated joys, adventure, blessings, and the peace of knowing He is with you in the puddles and lakes ahead.
“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”
Isaiah 41:13
With blessings and wishes for a year filled with God’s goodness, until next time,
Brenda Erb Roberts
Looking back: My Inspirational Post from January 1, 2024:
If you need a smile today, here is my last Lighter Side Post:
If you missed it, or would like more food for thought, click here for my previous Inspirational Blog Post:
Very well written, always enjoy reading your articles
Thank you for your encouragement, Lois.